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Are Antibiotics Safe for Kidneys Disease Patients

2014-10-12 16:13| Font Size A A A

Are Antibiotics Safe for Kidneys Disease PatientsAntibiotics, also know as antibacterials, are the types of medications that destroy or slow down the growth bacteria. Actually, kidney disease patients are prone to suffer from various inflammatory or infections due to low immune system. Well then, for them, are antibiotics still safe?

To be frank, there is no exact answer for patients because the illness condition is different from person to person. As we all know, the healthy kidneys are the important filtering organs which are responsible to discharge the wastes and toxins from the body effectively. However, for the damaged kidney, it will lose the abilities and thus causing numerous symptoms.

Well then, when are antibiotics recommended to kidney disease patients?

If patients are in the stage 3 kidney disease which has the moderate kidney damage, and have the following symptoms, patients can suggest to taking antibiotics.

-Cold, fever or chill

-Nausea and vomiting

-Skin Itching or Skin rash


-Joint Pain and redness

-Bacterial infections

But what I want to emphasize is that patients should take it under the guidance of their doctors. In addition, there are many types of this medications and some improper antibiotics may also may cause kidney damage or acute kidney failure.

Well, are antibiotics safe for kidney disease patients?

As a matter of fact, some antibiotics like chloromycetin are broken down by liver, so they usually don’t affect kidney function or increase the burden on kidneys. However, most types of antibiotics are discharged out of the body by urine that means kidneys are responsible for breaking down them. In this case, if people have kidney disease, antibiotics such as penicillin and cefoxitin that have renal toxicity should be avoided.

Through the above analysis, we can see that not all of antibiotics are safe for kidney disease patients. In Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital, China, we prefer recommending Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) rather than western medications. If you want to learn more info, please email to or leave a message below directly.

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