IgA Nephropathy

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What Can I Take to Give More Energy with IgA Nephropathy

2019-05-28 18:06| Font Size A A A

What Can I Take to Give More Energy with IgA NephropathyQuestion: Hi, I have IgA Nephropathy. Would like to know what I can take to give me more energy. I always feel tired and lots of pain in the morning or after an afternoon rest.

Answer: Glad to answer your question. Weakness and back pain are the common symptoms of IgA Nephropathy. Weakness may be associated with low hemoglobin level, while pain may be caused by renal inflammation. Have you done any blood test or urine test or renal biopsy? You can send the lab report to renal-disease@hotmail.com. Our renal expert team can help you analyze it and then give you some personalized guidance. Here we can only give you some general suggestions.

To increase energy, you have to improve your anemia.

Once kidneys are damaged, they can not secrete erythropoietin to stimulate bone marrows to make red blood cells, so almost all kidney patients have anemia. One of manifestations of anemia is weakness. In such a case, you need to supplement EPO or iron tablets to help improve anemia. And then you will feel energetic.

Systemic Chinese Medicine Treatment to increase energy and relieve pain

In our hospital, besides symptomatic treatment, systemic treatment is recommended. Systemic treatment can help repair kidney damage and promote renal function. When kidney condition gets improved, all associated symptoms such as weakness and pain will be alleviated greatly.

This treatment is named Toxin-Removing Treatment, also known as Detoxification Therapy. It can make the excess substances in the blood such as IgA immune complexes, creatinine and urea be discharged from the body via urine, sweat and bowel movement. It can also dilate blood vessels and remove stasis to improve blood circulation and increase blood flow into kidneys so that enough essential elements such as oxygen, nutrients and active ingredients of medicine can be transported into nidus to speed up kidney recovery. Moreover, it can restore the balance of anti-inflammatory cytokines and pro-inflammatory cytokines to reduce renal inflammation and halt the progression of disease.

After about one week’s treatment, back pain will be relieved.

After about half month’s treatment, you will feel energetic.

After about one month’s treatment, IgA Nephropathy will be under control, and kidney function will get improved.

Now you know what you can take to give more energy with IgA Nephropathy. For more information on IgA Nephropathy treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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