IgA Nephropathy

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IgA Nephropathy Basics

IgA Nephropathy May Progress into Uremia Within 10 Years

IgA Nephropathy (Bergers Disease) is the most common form of glomerulonephritis and occurs mostly in young adults. According to the results of renal biopsy, it is classified into five levels. Different IgA Nephropathy has different prognosi...Read More

IgA Nephropathy, Creatinine 1.3: Is There Immediate Chance for Kidney Failure

Question: Renal biopsy showed IgA Nephropathy. My creatinine level is 1.3. Is any there immediate chance for kidney failure? How to maintain it? Answer: IgA Nephropathy is also known as Bergers Disease. It is the most common glomerulonephri...Read More

Why IgA Nephropathy Is Lingering

Why IgA Nephropathy is lingering? To find out the right cause can help you cure it. IgA Nephropathy (Bergers Disease) is the most common glomerulonephritis, which happens more in children and youth. Before the onset, upper respiratory tract...Read More

5 Key Factors that Determine the Prognosis of IgA Nephropathy Patients

IgA Nephropathy is not the most fierce one among all the kidney diseases, nor the most difficult to treat. But it is the most common glomerulonephritis in the world. In the beginning, you may only have hematuria. With the progression of dis...Read More

Gastrointestinal Tract Infection in IgA Nephropathy Patients

Before the onset of IgA Nephropathy, patients usually have infections such as respiratory tract infections and gastrointestinal tract infections. Here lets talk about the gastrointestinal tract infections in IgA Nephropathy. Gastrointestina...Read More

Will IgA Nephropathy Kill Me

IgA Nephropathy (also known as Bergers Disease) is the most common glomerulonephritis in the world. Will IgA Nephropathy kill me? If you are interested in this topic, go on reading to learn more information. Generally speaking, IgA Nephropa...Read More

5 Factors That Affect the Prognosis of IgA Nephropathy

IgA Nephropathy is not the worst type of kidney diseases, and it is also not the most difficult treated kidney diseases. However, it is a complex disease that patients should pay attention to avoid its relapse, then they can get a better pr...Read More

How Does IgA Nephropathy Affect Kidneys

IgA Nephropathy, known as Bergers disease is a common glomerulonephritis, which is mainly caused by depositing of IgA immune complexes. How does the disease affect kidneys? Lets learn about the questions here! Any questions after reading, y...Read More