IgA Nephropathy

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IgA Nephropathy May Progress into Uremia Within 10 Years

2018-12-06 00:24| Font Size A A A

IgA Nephropathy May Progress into Uremia Within 10 Years

IgA Nephropathy (Berger’s Disease) is the most common form of glomerulonephritis and occurs mostly in young adults. According to the results of renal biopsy, it is classified into five levels. Different IgA Nephropathy has different prognosis.

In general, these IgA nephropathy patients have a better prognosis:

1. Simple hematuria, or only mild proteinuria, mild condition, few patients have kidney failure;

2. Patients who are sensitive to hormones have a better development trend.

However, the prognosis of these IgA nephropathy patients is relatively poor:

1. IgA nephropathy mostly occurs in young people. The older the patient is, the worse the tendency is;

2. Proteinuria and hematuria occur at the same time, and the amount of protein in urine exceeds 1 gram. This is difficult to treat.

3. The effect of IgA nephropathy patients with hypertension is not as good as those with normal blood pressure.

Uremia may develop within 10-20 years if not treated regularly.

Most IgA nephropathy requires integrated treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. TCM's understanding of etiology and pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy can be summarized as follows:

1. Pathogenic wind attacking from the outside

Wind and pathogenic heat together attack from the outside. They will be up to lungs, and down to the bladder so as to affect fluid circulation, and the heat will accumulate in lower jiao, leading to swelling and hematuria.

2. Deficiency of liver-yin and kidney-yin

Body Yin deficiency and over fatigue can cause liver-kidney Yin deficiency, which in turn leads to internal heat, and internal heat can damage kidney collateral, leading to blood urine.

3. Spleen-kidney Qi deficiency

Body Qi deficiency and over fatigue can damage spleen and kidney, leading to spleen-kidney Qi deficiency. Spleen deficiency affects the absorption of water, grain essence and other nutrients. And then those nutrients can not be transferred to the heart, lung and head, which can in turn affect the qi and blood production. And the kidney can not play the role of restoration, leading to proteinuria. Qi fails to control blood, leading to blood urine.

In conclusion, IgA Nephropathy is always based on Yin deficiency or Qi deficiency, and manifested as wind pathogenic, damp-heat, and blood stasis. Yin deficiency is often accompanied by damp-heat, and qi deficiency can be accompanied by blood stasis.

Precautions during IgA Nephropathy treatment

1. If the sources of infections such as tonsillitis and decayed teeth occur repeatedly and trigger the relapse of IgA nephropathy frequently, the source of infection should be removed by surgery.

2. Combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine treatment is a good treatment measure for patients with hematuria + proteinuria, or moderate and severe proteinuria.

3. Hormones should be used with caution. The latest study showed that patients with about 1g/24h of urine protein had greater risks than benefits from the use of hormones. Patients with nearly 2g of urine protein and most glomerular crescent formation should use hormones and immunosuppressants such as cyclophosphamide.

IgA Nephropathy may progress into uremia within 10 years if you can not find out an effective treatment. For more information on its associated treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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