IgA Nephropathy

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5 Key Factors that Determine the Prognosis of IgA Nephropathy Patients

2018-04-19 14:15| Font Size A A A

IgA Nephropathy is not the most fierce one among all the kidney diseases, nor the most difficult to treat. But it is the most common glomerulonephritis in the world.

In the beginning, you may only have hematuria. With the progression of disease, you may have proteinuria or massive proteinuria, swelling, high blood pressure, etc. Eventually ESRD may occur. If you do not want it to progress, you should do the following 5 points.

1. To prevent infections

5 Key Factors that Determine the Prognosis of IgA Nephropathy Patients
Hematuria is a typical symptom of IgA Nephropathy. Due to tonsil infection and other infections, not a few patients have repeated hematuria. And illness condition gets worse and worse. In such a case, it is wise for you to remove tonsil. If you do not have frequent infections, it is unnecessary for you to do such a surgery.

2. To control blood pressure

5 Key Factors that Determine the Prognosis of IgA Nephropathy Patients
IgA Nephropathy can cause high blood pressure. In some cases, malignant hypertension may appear to cause pernicious glomerulosclerosis and acute renal failure.

During the treatment of IgA Nephropathy, to control blood pressure can help prevent cardiovascular disease. Meanwhile, it can reduce pressure in kidneys so as to avoid the adverse effect on renal arterial artery.

3. To decrease proteinuria

5 Key Factors that Determine the Prognosis of IgA Nephropathy Patients
As a kind of nephritis, IgA Nephropathy is often mistaken as simply Nephrotic Syndrome in the initial diagnosis. That is because some patients have massive proteinuria, even over 3.5g/d. IgA Nephropathy presented as Nephrotic Syndrome is more difficult to treat than nephritis, hence it is more likely to go into kidney failure stage.

For patients who presents Nephrotic Syndrome, they can be treated according to its expressive type. That is to use steroid or immunosuppressant to reduce protein leakage, but pay attention to the dosage.

4. To avoid fatigue

First of all, we should slow down life pace.

Second, we should remove worries and control desires. And it is better to stop smoking and alcohol.

5 Key Factors that Determine the Prognosis of IgA Nephropathy Patients
5. To do checkups regularly

5 Key Factors that Determine the Prognosis of IgA Nephropathy Patients
Regular checkups are the best way to monitor your illness condition. Currently about 20% of IgA Nephropathy patients go into ESRD within 10 years. If you can do the above 5 key factors, you can improve your prognosis. For more information on IgA Nephropathy, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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