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Five Good Habits Help You Protect Renal Function and Avoid Uremia

2018-11-14 14:34| Font Size A A A

Five Good Habits Help You Protect Renal Function and Avoid Uremia
Kidney disease treatment is a long course, which requires you to have more patience and confidence to fight against the disease. Most patients can stabilize illness condition under the guidance of doctors, but some will progress into uremia eventually. In this article, let’s see the five good habits, which can help you protect renal function and avoid uremia.

1. To avoid drug abuse

According to the study, forty percent of sudden deterioration in kidney function is linked to various medications. Kidney patients will be exposed to a variety of drugs during the treatment process. Almost all of them have side effects, so you should pay attention to the dose. Strict compliance with medical advice is a good habit for every patient.

2. To follow reasonable diet

A proper diet is also an important part of delaying the deterioration of kidney function. Some kidney patients have overly strict dietary requirements, ultimately leading to malnutrition. All the principles of a kidney diet are developed around protecting kidney function, which in turn can help relieve symptoms. For example, patients with a large amount of proteinuria should have a low amount of high quality protein diet, which can not only avoid protein leakage, but also prevent malnutrition.

3. To do regular review

Kidney disease gets relapse easily, and the role of review is to monitor the progression of kidney function. It is an important channel to ensure the timely detection of abnormal condition and avoid the deterioration of renal function. Regular review items include: blood routine: creatinine, uric acid, urea nitrogen, cystatin C; urine routine: 24-hour urinary protein quantification, glomerular filtration rate, renal b-ultrasound, endogenous creatinine clearance, electrolytes, and other indicators to be examined at specific stages.

4. To have positive attitude

Good mental attitude must bring good results, especially for the kidney patients. A stable state of mind is not only conducive to the stability of renal function and recovery of various symptoms, but also affects patients' choice of treatment. On the contrary, those with negative emotions think only of uremia and worry about it every day, which can decrease immunity and not conductive to the recovery.

5. To keep away from habits that damage kidneys

Those bad habits include drug abuse, bad eating habits, irregular sleeping and rest, etc. If you can persist in breaking these bad habits, you can make your condition more stable.

Hope all kidney patients can stick to the above 5 good habits, which can help you protect renal function and avoid uremia. For more information on kidney disease treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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