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Is Broccoli Good for Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy

2015-01-29 15:42| Font Size A A A

Is Broccoli Good for Patients with Diabetic NephropathyDiabetic Nephripathy, known as diabetic renal disease is mainly caused by long-term and uncontrolled diabetes. Due to its damage on the kidneys, patients have to develop have a strict diet plan. Normally, they are suggested to tale more fruits and vegetables. Well then, is broccoli good for patients with diabetic kidney disease?

In our daily life, broccoli is a healthy and green vegetable which is packed with abundant nutrients. Meanwhile, patients with diabetic nephropathy can get many benefits from eating the vegetable. If you have any questions, please mail us to renal-disease@hotmail.com or leave a message below and we will give a personalized answer.

1. Regulate blood glucose

It is a kind of high-fiber food, which can suppress the absorption of glucose so as to improve patients’ condition.

2. Strengthen immune system

More than 95% of kidney diseases are caused by immune system disorders. Broccoli is an excellent source of vitamins like vitamin A, C, D, E, K and so on, which are important for body health and strengthening immune system.

3. Lower high blood pressure

Long-term high blood pressure can do harm to kidneys and heart. The flavonoid in the vegetable is helpful for lowering high blood pressure. Besides, its flavonoid content is the best cleaning agent of blood vessel which is beneficial for lowering bad cholesterol.

4. Prevent cancer

The sulphurophanes and other phytonutrients in broccoli may also lower your risk for cancer. They help to remove toxins from the body, get rid of free radicals and help stop the division of cancer cells. Eating broccoli may slow down the spread of cancer cells throughout the body.


Through the above analysis, we can see that there are many healthy nutrients in the vegetable. But for diabetic kidney disease patients, they still should pay attention to the vegetables.

1. Don’t eat too much in the one meal, if you have a high potassium level.

2. Add less salt when you are cooking broccoli.

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