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High Creatinine And Low Hemoglobin in Hypertensive Nephropathy

2014-07-15 00:03| Font Size A A A

High Creatinine And Low Hemoglobin in Hypertensive NephropathyHypertension Nephropathy is mainly caused by high blood pressure which at least 5 to 10 years. During the onset of illness, patients will suffer from numerous symptoms. One patient who visited our website asked a question: “what does mean of high creatinine and low hemoglobin in my hypertensive kidney disease?” Here we will explain this question, if you have similar question, please read on.

As we all know, our kidneys need to do many “work” to guarantee our body health. Normally, the kidney produces urine, keeps electrolyte and acid-base balance, activates vitamin D, regulates water in the body, removes wastes and toxin out of the body and promote enough EPO (erythropoietin). However, for hypertensive renal disease patients, due to kidney damage, and decline of renal function, patients will experience discomforts, including high creatinine and low hemoglobin.

High creatinine level

Creatinine is the metabolic product of our muscle and should be filtered out by our kidneys. Since long time high blood pressure has a bad effect on kidneys, kidney loses this ability. As a result, high creatinine level will occur. But it is not easy to occur unless three are more than 50 percent of kidney function disappear. In this case, it implies that you kidney has a moderate even severe damage. And you should take immediate and effective measure to lower its level.

Low hemoglobin

Hemoglobin (Hb) is the protein in your red blood cells that carries oxygen. A low hemoglobin count is generally defined as 120-160g/L for male, 110-150g/L for female and 110-160g/L for children. Low hemoglobin means low hemachrome, which is an important index which can judge whether people are in the insufficiency if anemia. Actually, anemia can be caused by high creatinine and kidney disease. The causes can be divided into the following aspects:

--Lack of EPO

--Vitamin deficiency

--Iron deficiency

--high levels of wastes and toxins

From the above, we can find that high creatinine and low hemoglobin are always associated with kidney damage. If you suffer such condition, you’d better seek for help from an kidney expert. By the way, our Online Doctors are always available for you. Best wishes for you!

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