Kidney Cyst

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Natural Remedies for Complex Kidney Cysts

2018-05-17 15:14| Font Size A A A

Natural Remedies for Complex Kidney Cysts
When you do an ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI scan for some health reason, cysts may be discovered incidentally. What is the treatment for complex kidney cysts? Besides surgery, are there any natural remedies? In this article, we will give you an introduction.

When should you receive treatment for complex kidney cysts?

Most kidney cysts do not require any treatment, but sometimes a cyst grows large enough to affect the kidneys or press on other organs, causing pain in the side or stomach, or a kidney cyst becomes infected or bleeds, causing pain, fever, or blood in the urine. In that case, it may need to be removed or drained.

Natural remedies for complex kidney cysts

If you do not like invasive treatment such as surgeries, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy will be a good choice. It is a conservative treatment, but it is also different from the traditional treatment. This is a great innovation which can penetrate the micronized herbs into kidneys directly with the help of osmosis devices so as to ensure the effect to be taken quickly. When you receive treatment, you just lie on the bed. Two herbal bags will be put under the area of kidneys. It can stop the abnormal proliferation of renal tubular epithelial cells and secretion of lining cells so as to prevent the renal cysts from growing further. It can also increase the permeability of cyst wall and pressure difference inside and outside so that fluid can be drawn out, as a result, renal cysts will shrink. To make the effect better, you can make use of Toxin-Removing Treatment, which can make internal environment good for kidney self-healing and other medication application. After about one week’s treatment, back pain will be relieved. After about half month’s treatment, high blood pressure will be reduced. After about one month’s treatment, your disease will be under control, and kidney cysts will begin to shrink. With treatment going on, the effect will be better.

The above natural remedies are helpful for complex kidney cysts, but they are only available in China. Can you come to China for treatment? Now you can send a copy of your lab report to We can help you analyze it and give you some suggestions online.

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