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Cramping in the Legs for Kidney Transplant Patients

2014-12-18 10:38| Font Size A A A

Cramping in the Legs for Kidney Transplant PatientsKidney Transplant is a surgery which will replace the damaged kidney with good one. Usually, it is commonly used for Kidney Failure or end-stage renal disease patients which means the kidney has almost lose all of functions. But some patients may be confused: why do I suffer from cramping in my legs?

Indeed, the question is frequently asked by patients. Here we will do an explanation for your reference. If you have no idea how to deal with the condition, you can ask help from our Online Doctors or you can send an email to renal-disease@hotmail.com and we will do our best to help you.

A successful kidney transplantation can enable another years for kidney failure patients, while if you have rejection response after surgery, you will face more worsening condition. And leg cramp is a common performance for patients. To be frank, the transplanted kidney can not work effectively as the healthy kidneys. In the condition, some disorders can not be relieved from the root, like renal osteopathy. Due to calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D metabolic disorder, secondary hyperparathyroidism and imbalance of acid-base, patients often have renal osteopathy, which can cause legs cramp directly.

Well then, how to deal with the condition?

In our Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital, we do use Chinese herbal medicine for treating kidney diseases. According to the explanation above, we can recommend effective treatment which have the functions of removing metabolic wastes and toxins, eliminating blood stasis and promoting blood circulation, rectifying imbalances and providing necessary nutritions to strengthen the immune system, bone system and nerve system. Namely Immunotherapy.

It is a comprehensive and systemic treatment which has six steps including immune diagnosis, immune clearance, immune tolerance, immune regulation and immune protection. Each step has different functions but the common goal is to repair kidney function. What’s more, combining with other support treatment like Mai-kang Composition, Medicated Bath together, you may can avoid dialysis or kidney transplant to some extent.

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