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What Does It Mean to Have Poor Appetite and Hiccups After Kidney Transplant

2015-05-23 15:50| Font Size A A A

What Does It Mean to Have Poor Appetite and Hiccups After Kidney Transplant Transplant is life-maintaining treatment for those who suffer from End Stage Renal Disease or Kidney Failure. Meanwhile, it is also the last choice if kidney loses its function totally. Well then, what does it mean to have poor appetite and hiccups after kidney transplant?

To be frank, a successful kidney transplant indeed help end stage renal disease patients prolong life time, and transplanted kidney also can work normally and replace the damaged kidney to do its normal job. In order to sustain the transplanted kidney, patients are suggested to pay attention to many things like daily life, nursing care, diet, lifestyles, work and so on. However, some patients will experience organ rejection reaction after transplantation, then patients will suffer from various symptoms and complication.

In the condition, the transplanted kidneys do not function well as the self-kidney. When the transplanted kidney is damaged and can not work normally, it will lose the ability of keeping balance of electrolytes in your body and also lead to a build up urea (a metabolin of protein) in your body, which causes hiccup. Besides, after you experience the surgery due to kidney disease, your doctor may prescribe some medications for you. Some medications for kidney disease, especially steroid may also cause hiccup. For these reasons, your hiccup and poor appetite are caused by your kidney problems.

Through the above analysis, we can get the conclusion: poor appetite and hiccups after kidney transplant means that transplanted kidney do not work effectively. Well then, how to deal with the condition?

1.Seek doctor’s professional help as soon as possible.

2.Lower high-cholesterol level diet.

3.Keep away from high-salt diet

4.Keep a health body weight.

5.Prevent cold or flu

If you have any questions, please do feel free to contact our Online Doctor or email to renal-disease@hotmail.com and we are always to help you.

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