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Are Black Beans Good for Kidney Disease Patients

2014-10-15 10:01| Font Size A A A

Are Black Beans Good for Kidney Disease PatientsBlack beans are packed with nutrition which is good for human health. If you or your loved one is suffering from kidney disease, surely there are many taboos on diet. Well then, are black beans good for people with kidney damage?

Actually, there is no exact answer for this question. Because whether kidney disease patients can eat black beans or not depends on their own illness condition. The following contents can give you a clear understanding.

You should avoid eating or at least limit intake of black beans if you have the following symptoms.


Black beans contain about 36%-40% protein, which is twice of meat, and third times of eggs and twelfth times of milk. As a result, it’s not suggested to eat black beans for kidney disease patients who has proteinuria. Eating too much protein will increase the kidney’s burden and cause further kidney damage. Consequently, protein in urine will also increase.

High potassium level

For kidney disease patients, the disorders of electrolyte are commonly seen. High potassium level is one of them. Unluckily, black beans are rich in potassium which is important for muscle and nerve function and also fluid balance for healthy people. But too much potassium intake will aggravate the illness condition, like hyperkalemia.

However, patients also can get many benefits from eating black beans.


The iron content is essential for preventing iron-deficiency anemia.

Black beans are also a good source of calcium,which is essential for building and maintaining bone health.

Vitamins in black beans are quite important element which can keep young, active and beautiful.

Fiber in beans is good for digestive system and prevent as well as treat constipation effectively.

There are 2% of lecithin in black beans, so the black beans can supply the demand of brain so that defer organism aging, decrease blood viscosity, finally avoid brain becoming dull.

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