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These 4 Vegetables Are Renal-Friendly for Kidney Patients

2018-08-22 11:44| Font Size A A A

These goes a saying that kidney disease needs 30% medical treatment and 70% rest and nourishment to regain health. Therefore, we should pay special attention to what we need.

So what should kidney patients eat? Here are four vegetables to eat.
These 4 Vegetables Are Renal-Friendly for Kidney Patients

1. Zucchini

These 4 Vegetables Are Renal-Friendly for Kidney Patients
Zucchini is rich in vitamin C, glucose, calcium and other nutrients. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that zucchini has the function of clearing heat, diuresis, reducing swelling and resolving mass. Hence it can be used as adjuvant treatment for swelling. Nephritis patients can eat more zucchini, which does not only help reduce swelling, but also improve immunity and replenish water.

2. Pumpkin

These 4 Vegetables Are Renal-Friendly for Kidney Patients
The polysaccharides in pumpkin can promote the production of cytokines and improve immune function, which is of great help to the kidney patients whose immunity is generally low. In addition, there are abundant carotenoids in pumpkin that can be converted into vitamin A, which is very helpful for bone development, so it is very suitable for children with kidney disease who use steroids.

Pumpkin is also rich in minerals, low in sodium, high in calcium, and high in potassium, , and it is suitable for high blood pressure patients and the elderly.

However, kidney patients should eat less when eating, and monitor blood potassium levels in the daily.

3. Wax gourd

These 4 Vegetables Are Renal-Friendly for Kidney Patients
Wax gourd contains vitamin C, low in sodium and high in potassium. It is helpful for reducing swelling and is suitable for patients with hypertension and kidney disease.

Wax gourd itself contains very low calories, and propyl glycolate in it can inhibit the conversion of sugars into fat so as to prevent obesity. Therefore, Diabetic Nephropathy patients can also eat more, but meanwhile monitoring potassium levels.

4. White radish

These 4 Vegetables Are Renal-Friendly for Kidney Patients
White radish is also known as "Talinum crassifolium". It has rich vitamin C, which has the function of strengthening immunity function. Vitamin B in it has the function that promotes gastric bowel to wriggle, and help waste discharge.

Similarly, radish can reduce blood lipids, soften blood vessels and stabilize blood pressure, and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

These vegetables are very suitable for kidney patients. At the same time, kidney patients should keep on low salt, low fat and low protein but high quality diet.

Moreover, eat less spicy foods and condiments (mustard, curry, pepper, pepper). These spicy ingredients can stimulate the renal parenchyma cells in different degrees, affecting the recovery of the disease. Therefore, eat as little as possible.

The above information is just for reference. If you still have any questions on CKD, such as diet, medication, symptoms, etc, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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