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New Medicine for Diabetic Nephropathy

2018-08-25 14:47| Font Size A A A

New Medicine for Diabetic Nephropathy
This is a new medicine. It does not only reduce blood sugar level, but also prevent uremia.

Recently, the new drug Liraglutide has become a focus of diabetes and kidney disease. New research shows that the treatment of once-a-week liraglutide can effectively control diabetes and delay the progression of chronic kidney disease to uremia.

We need this medicine urgently.

1. The population with diabetes and kidney disease is huge. And more than 400 million people worldwide have diabetes, among which about 40% have kidney disease.

2. Diabetes is the second leading cause of uremia, and the first leading cause of kidney disease.

3. For patients with diabetes and kidney disease, medications are very limited. Hypoglycemic drugs require renal clearance, but in patients with renal failure, the function of clearance drugs is reduced and hypoglycemia is easy to occur.

Therefore, people are in urgent need of a drug that can control blood sugar and relieve kidney diseases, and the drug is required not to be cleared by the kidney and ensure safety.

About Liraglutide

The molecular formula of Liraglutide is C2646H4044N704O836S18, and its molecular weight is 59669, besides it is not cleared by kidneys.

The research team selected patients with type 2 diabetes-induced kidney disease as the study object. Based on the oral hypoglycemic drugs/ACEI/ARBs, they were respectively applied with Liraglutide and insulin glargine.

The results showed that Liraglutide had obvious advantage in improving the outcome of kidney disease. Compared to insulin glargine, patients who used the drug had the same blood sugar levels, but had higher glomerular filtration rates, lower creatinine, and better kidney function.

The results spread rapidly across the diabetes and kidney disease fields, as it means that the drug has the dual role of hypoglycemic and protecting kidneys so as to help diabetic patients better protect their kidneys and delay the onset of uremia.

In September 2014, the US food and drug administration approved the marketing of Liraglutide subcutaneous injection. And the European commission approved Liraglutide subcutaneous injection to be listed in Europe in December 2014.

Although it has been around for four years, it is still a short time for a new drug, and most patients still have to wait. As the therapeutic effect of Liraglutide becomes more and more concerned, it is believed that we will soon see it in various hospitals.

It is expected that this drug can improve the final outcome of Diabetic Nephropathy patients as soon as possible! For more information on Diabetic Nephropathy, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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