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Treatment of Primary Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis

2019-05-23 16:55| Font Size A A A

Treatment of Primary Focal Segmental GlomerulosclerosisPrimary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a disease that happened on its own without a known or obvious cause. It can cause Nephrotic Syndrome and speed up kidney failure. In this article, let’s have a quick look at the treatment of primary FSGS.

Conventional treatment for primary FSGS

Usually, the treatment for FSGS includes steroids, immunosuppressants, ACEI or ARBs, diuretics, etc. Those medications are to help control symptoms such as proteinuria, high blood pressure, swelling, etc. When symptoms are under control, it does not mean your disease gets well. Because this is only a temporary medical relief. Once you are under some inducements like infections, the disease gets relapse easily. And if you take those medicines for long-term, they may bring you a lot of side effects, such as moon face, acne, mood swing, bone disease, diabetes, etc.

Alternative Treatment for primary FSGS

In our hospital, a systemic Chinese medicine treatment is often used. This treatment does not have so many side effects, and it can even make the above therapeutic effect better. It is Toxin-Removing Treatment.

This treatment makes use of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Enema Therapy, Steam Therapy, Navel Therapy and so on to increase urination, improve bowel movement and make you sweat so as to eliminate waste products and extra fluid from body. This does not only reduce the workload of kidneys, but also make the internal environment good for kidney self-healing and other medication application. It can also improve blood circulation and increase blood flow into kidneys so as to provide the nidus with enough essential elements such as oxygen, nutrients and active ingredients of medicine to speed up kidney recovery. Moreover, it can inhibit renal inflammation and control the disease from getting worse.

After about one week’s treatment, swelling will fade away.

After about half month’s treatment, proteinuria will be reduced or even turn negative.

After about one month’s treatment, FSGS will be under control, and renal function will get improved.

Now you know the treatment of primary FSGS, but this treatment is not available all over the world, and it may require you to go abroad for treatment. Are you ready for it? For more information on FSGS treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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