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Can Someone That Has Lupus Eat Strawberry Cheesecake

2015-11-19 16:34| Font Size A A A

Can Someone That Has Lupus Eat Strawberry CheesecakePeople with lupus should develop a well-balanced diet plan so as to protect themselves from kidney damage. well then, can someone that has lupus eat strawberry cheesecake?

Actually, lupus is an inflammatory disease which can easily cause kidney damage, namely Lupus Nephritis. some studies shows that foods that fight inflammation could help lupus symptoms. On the other hand, foods that fuel inflammation could worsen them. However, a real good diet plan should be recommended according to patients’ own illness conditions. Can lupus patient eat strawberry cheesecake? Yes! But a appropriate amount is very important. Because some ingredients within the cake may worse patients’ illness conditions.

All in all, patients should still be careful when they choose to eat strawberry cheesecake:

1. It contains too much saturate aminio acids and too much fat. If consuming it without limitation, it can raise cholesterol levels and may contribute to inflammation. So they should limit intake of the cake.

2. The cake also contains a large amount of sugar, which can affect lupus patients’ glucose level easily, increasing risks of kidney damage.

In addition, I’d like to share other tips with you about lupus diet plan. Foods with possible anti-inflammatory properties include fruits and vegetables, which are rich in substances called antioxidants. In addition, foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish, nuts, ground flaxseed, canola oil and olive oil may also help fight inflammation.

Aside from dietary regulation, patients also should receive effective treatments. If you have no better treatments beside taking western medicines, you can email to us at or leave a message below directly for learning more alternative treatments. In our center point, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Blood Pollution Therapy, and Immunotherapy, etc can be your available treatments. What’s more, different from western medicines, they have no any side effects!

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