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These 3 Medications Can Elevate Creatinine Level

2019-02-11 15:55| Font Size A A A

These 3 Medications Can Elevate Creatinine LevelTwo of the most common causes of kidney damage and sudden elevation of serum creatinine are drugs and infections. Today we're talking about drugs.

Clinical practice has found that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, proton pump inhibitors and antibiotics are the three most common types of drugs causing abrupt increase of serum creatinine, accounting for the majority of kidney injury events.

1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, aspirin, paracetamol, indomethacin, diclofenac, ketoprofen, naproxen and so on. Most of the cold medicines available on the market contain these ingredients, many of which are over-the-counter and easily available to patients at pharmacies. Analgesic nephropathy refers to the nephropathy caused by such antipyretics and analgesics. Normal use is less likely to cause kidney disease. In most causes, it is because of long-term use or overdose intake.

It is recommended that kidney patients consult nephrologists before taking medications, even if they are over-the-counter drugs.

2. Proton pump inhibitor, is omeprazole, pantoprazole, lansoprazole, rabeprazole and other "azole drugs", widely used in various occasions to inhibit gastric acid secretion. Illegal use is common, and doctors are partly to blame, often prescribing drugs when there is no indication. Globally, 25% ~ 70% of patients taking such drugs do not have the indications, and some of them are unnecessary to take them. For example, when our patients take hormones, they also take razole. In addition, there are many people who take overtreatment.

Research from Johns Hopkins University shows that the risk of chronic kidney disease is 20% to 50% higher in lazole users than in non-users.

3. Antibiotics, mainly aminoglycoside antibiotics, such as gentamicin, are the most common causes of renal injury. There are many kinds of antibiotics and their nephrotoxicity is large or small. Some antibiotics have little nephrotoxicity, so renal patients should know how to choose. These medicines have positive effects, but there is obviously room for correction of the current medication methods. For example, some cold patients take two or more cold medicines at the same time, but the effective ingredients of the two cold medicines are paracetamol, which results in the overdose of paracetamol.

Whether we have achieved the use of drugs within indications, whether the dosage is excessive, whether the combination of other drugs is reasonable, whether the use is over-course, and so on, there are still many practical problems that violate the rules. Although standardized medication also has the probability of kidney injury, but we currently have many kidney injury can be avoided by standardized medication.

All in all, when kidney patients use these 3 kinds of drugs, it is better to consult a doctor first, and master strictly indication, dosage and course of treatment. For more information on high creatinine treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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