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Is Jogging Suitable for Hypertensive Nephropathy Patients

2014-08-17 00:18| Font Size A A A

Is Jogging Suitable for Hypertensive Nephropathy PatientsHypertensive Nephropathy is caused by a perennial history of high blood pressure which can lead to renal insufficiency. To control the progression of the illness condition, patients should develop a healthy lifestyle in their daily life. Well then, is jogging suitable for them?

Okay, now, let’s have a look at the overview of jogging. This kind of exercise is a well known exercise that is done commonly be a lot of people who want to maintain an active lifestyle. Indeed, jogging belongs to slight and moderate exercise and it is an enjoyable way to control the development of illness condition for hypertensive kidney disease patients.

Keep healthy body weight

The most commonly known benefit is that jogging is an effective way to lose weight. You can lose significant amount of body fat bu just jogging for a few minutes every day.

Lower blood pressure

High blood pressure in one of leading causes of kidney disease and lowering high blood pressure plays a significant role in managing conditions. Jogging is one of aerobic exercises and it can promoted your blood pressure and hitting the road 3-6 times per week will significantly reduce blood pressure in two weeks.

Prevent diabetes

Diabetes is a health condition that can be caused primary by obesity and inactivity. By jogging, you can get regular physical activities that will help take control of your body weight. And it can also enhance the sensitivity to insulin of your body. Insulin helps in stabilizing the levels of blood sugar.

Strengthen your bones

This exercise can stimulate the development of mineral density inn your bones. The increase in the density of your bone minerals can help you prevent the risk of osteoporosis.

Jogging is a healthy way to keep healthy for people. In addition mentioned above, it can lower high cholesterol level, enhance immunity, improve mental state and so on. Light exercises such as walking and Tai Chi are all suitable for people with Hypertensive Nephropathy. Appropriate exercise can help alleviate the pressure to artery. You can do some exercise in the morning when the air is very fresh. What I want to emphasize is that you should contact your doctors according to your illness condition so that you can determine the length of time and frequency of exercise. Of course, our doctors online are always available for you, and you also can contact renal-disease@hotmail.com. Best wishes for you!

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