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3 Ways Help You Lower High Blood Pressure

2018-06-26 15:56| Font Size A A A

3 Ways Help You Lower High Blood Pressure
When referring to high blood pressure, most people think of cardiovascular diseases, but little is known about kidney disease caused by hypertension.

The fact is that long-term uncontrolled hypertension can cause damage to your kidneys. Unstable blood pressure affects the blood circulation, causing renal ischemia and anoxia. This in turn can damage kidney tissues. Besides, with high blood pressure, your kidneys will be in state of hypertension, and water and sodium retention can also put extra stress on kidneys.

Once kidneys are damaged severely, they can not be reversed. And it is very difficult to treat uremia. Currently there is no way to cure CKD. Therefore, you had better take treatment timely to prevent kidney disease. For patients with high blood pressure for over 5 years, be alert to the occurrence of kidney disease.

But it does mean that all patients with hypertension will have kidney damage. If you want to protect your kidneys well, the following 3 ways are helpful.
3 Ways Help You Lower High Blood Pressure

The first way is to adjust the unhealthy living habit.

Hypertension is closely associated with unhealthy living habit, so changing these habits is key to controlling blood pressure. In diet, you should reduce salt intake and fat intake. Eat more vegetables and less meat. In exercises, to do exercises regularly can speed up blood circulation and lower blood pressure. Regular sleep and rest, and early to bed and early to get up is helpful to maintain blood pressure so as to protect the kidneys from being damaged.
3 Ways Help You Lower High Blood Pressure

Taking antihypertensive drugs consistently is the key to stabilizing blood pressure.

Currently the most effective way to control blood pressure is to take antihypertensive medicine. You should choose different medicine according to your medical condition, but you should take them consistently even when your blood pressure has been normal. Do not change the medicine without the instruction of doctors.
3 Ways Help You Lower High Blood Pressure

To monitor blood pressure and kidney function regularly

Monitoring blood pressure is more conductive to adjusting treatment options to avoid physical damage caused by high blood pressure. Monitoring kidney function is an effective way to directly prevent disease. If you have been with hypertension over 5 years, it is advised to have a kidney function examination every year. If you have been with it over 10 years, you have to do the test every year, including urine test and other routine tests.

Moreover, measuring your blood pressure regularly can help you control blood pressure and help doctor have a clear mind of your condition so as to adjust treatment plan.

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