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How to Lower Creatinine 5.5 in Hypertensive Nephropathy

2014-05-09 02:37| Font Size A A A

How to Lower Creatinine 5.5 in Hypertensive NephropathyWith the progression of Hypertensive Nephropathy, some patients may suffer high creatinine level. Well, what does creatinine 5.5 mean and how to lower it?

What does creatinine 5.5 in hypertensive nephropathy mean?

Creatinine is a by-product of creatine, which can supply energy to our muscles. Normally, our kidney can filter this metabolic waste out of our bodies, while when more than 50% kidney function is lost, the creatinine level will elevate. And the normal value is 0.6-1.2mg/dL for male and 0.5-1.1mg/dL for female, so creatinine 5.5 is obviously higher than the reasonable value. If left it untreated, the disease may develop into end stage kidney disease.

How to lower creatinine 5.5?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

It can help patients control their blood pressure, and then the active ingredients will restore the kidney lesion. At last, it can help to rebuild the kidney function. With the improvement of the kidney function, this metabolic waste can be eliminated by kidney. In years of clinical practice, it has been proved to be an effective treatment to lower creatinine level. If you want more information about this therapy, contact us at renal-disease@hotmail.com.

Diet to lower creatinine

1. Patients should reduce the intake of foods high in creatine, such as red meats, animal giblets and seafood.

2. Reduce salt intake, and limit the amount of protein in diet.

3. Be cautious of phosphorus and potassium in foods.

4. Drink more water to prevent dehydration, which can elevate creatinine level.

Controlling the blood pressure

High blood pressure is the underlying cause of hypertensive nephropathy. It can deteriorate the disease and elevate creatinine level, so well control blood pressure can help ease this symptom.

1. Take regular blood pressure test.

2. Take medicine on time.

3. Avoid mood swings.

4. The recommended blood pressure level is 125/75 or 130/80mm Hg.

For hypertensive nephropathy patients, if their creatinine level reaches 5.5, it is high time to control this condition. We believe they can get better with the above advice.

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