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Herbs for Kidney Failure Caused by High Blood Pressure

2018-08-08 17:05| Font Size A A A

Herbs for Kidney Failure Caused by High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure can cause damage to the blood vessels and filters in the kidney, leading to chronic kidney disease and kidney failure. If your current treatment is not effective for you to control the disease well, you can try the following herbs.

At present, western medicine mainly uses ARBs or ACEI , or other various anti-hypertensive drugs to dilate blood vessels so as to control blood pressure, improve renal microcirculation, relieve the three high states of high glomerular pressure, high filtration and high perfusion, and delay the deterioration of renal function. But it does not aim at treating the root cause - toxin and abnormal expression of cytokines. Therefore, it is difficult for you to get a permanent control of Hypertensive Nephropathy.

In Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, we mainly use Chinese medicine detoxification therapy, namely Toxin-Removing Treatment to treat kidney damage caused by high blood pressure. It is a systemic treatment made up of many herbal remedies, such as Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Cycle Therapy, etc. It can dissolve toxins, discharge toxins and dispel toxins to achieve the goal of quick effect, no kidney injury and less relapse. Its treatment feature is to clear toxins in body and regulate the expression of abnormal cytokines.

-It can promote the expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines, relieve renal inflammation and control the disease from getting worse.

-It can restore the balance of anti-inflammatory cytokines and pro-inflammatory cytokines, improve cell microenvironment, regulate the expression of abnormal cytokines to make proteinuria turn negative.

-It can alleviate the stress state of body, improve immune function, and restore the self-healing ability and detoxification ability to stabilize illness condition and prevent the disease getting relapse.

After about one week’s treatment, you will see a large amount of floccules in urine, which are those wastes being passed out.

After about half month’s treatment, high blood pressure will come down and be stabilized.

After about one month’s treatment, your disease will be under control, and renal function will get improved.

The above herbs are helpful for kidney failure caused by high blood pressure, but they are not available all over the world. If you would like to get detailed information, please leave a message below or contact online doctor. We can help you analyze your condition and give you personalized guidance.

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