IgA Nephropathy

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The Best Diet to Prolong My Life with IgA Nephropathy

2018-01-05 22:07| Font Size A A A

The Best Diet to Prolong My Life with IgA Nephropathy
“I was just informed that I do have IgA Nephropathy. I am trying to find the best diet to prolong my life.” This message was left on our website. If you have any questions on IgA Nephropathy, you can also leave a message below or contact online doctor directly.

What you can eat depends on your medical condition.

-If you have high blood pressure and swelling, you should reduce salt intake. Salt is high in sodium. Too much sodium intake can worsen your edema and elevate your blood pressure further so as to make your kidney condition worse.

-If you have massive proteinuria or impaired renal function, a low protein intake is suggested. Because the leaky kidney is like a sieve. The more protein you eat, the more protein it will go out of body, while massive protein leakage can speed up glomerulosclerosis and impair more renal function.

-Fish oil. A lot of IgA Nephropathy patients are recommended to take fish oil regularly. That is because fish oil is high in unsaturated fatty acids, which can help suppress renal inflammation so as to prevent the disease from developing quality.

-If your blood potassium level is abnormal, you should regulate the intake of foods high in potassium.

To prolong your life, diet is not effective enough.

Diet should go together with a reasonable treatment to achieve a good effect. Here we also advice you take a natural treatment. It is Toxin-Removing Treatment. This treatment takes advantage of various Chinese therapies such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Mai Kang Mixture and so on to eliminate waste products including IgA immune complexes from the blood and kidneys to reduce kidney inflammation and make a clean environment for kidney self-healing and other medication application. It can also improve blood circulation and increase blood flow into kidneys so that enough essential elements can be transported into nidus to speed up kidney recovery. After a period of treatment, your renal condition will get improved.

There is not a diet that is suitable for all IgA Nephropathy patients, because different patients have different medical conditions. Besides, diet is not enough for you to control the disease well. If you want to get a personalized guidance on IgA Nephropathy diet and treatment, please send a copy of your lab report to renal-disease@hotmail.com. After analyzing it, our renal experts will reply you.

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