Kidney Cyst

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Available Drinks for Kidney Cysts Patients

2014-10-20 15:01| Font Size A A A

Available Drinks for Kidney Cysts PatientsAs we all know, kidney cyst patients are generally required to have strict restrictions on drinks. Well then, what are the available drinks for them? Or is there any considerations when they choose something to drink?

Kidney cysts refer that filled-fluid pockets in the one or both kidneys. Over time, kidney cysts may become more and more large and when they enlarge to a certain size, there is high risks for rupture of renal cysts and getting various infections. In our daily life, some drinks can stimulate cysts and some drinks can help shrink renal cysts. In view of this point, nephrologist who work in Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital, China recommend the following drinks for kidney cysts patients.

Purified water

Water can be regarded as the best cleaner of our body. Drinking purified water can help clean the wastes and toxins through increasing the urine output. But what I want to emphasize is that if patients have the symptom of swelling, it is not recommended to drink plenty of water. Therefore, you’s better consul a kidney expert for a proper intake of water according to your illness condition.

Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice is considered as a natural remedy to block urinary tract infections. The reason is that it contains proanthocyanidins, which help to prevent bacteria from sticking to the walls of uterus and bladder. It is proven that one glass of cranberry juice is all you need to prevent and heal urinary tract infections. In addition, drinking this beverage regularly can help patients improve immunity, prevent cardiovascular disease, protect renal function and so on.

All in all, kidney cysts patients can choose drinks without alcohol, caffeine. To be frank, caffeine promotes the enlargement of cysts. In addition, it has a high risk of high blood pressure which can increase the risk of having heart attack and other complications. Therefore, you should be cautious when you choose something drinks. For an individualized advice, please talk with our online doctors directly or leave a message below.

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