Kidney Cyst

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What Foods can Help Shrink Kidney Cyst

2014-02-09 00:34| Font Size A A A

What Foods can Help Shrink Kidney CystThere are a growing number of people who are suffering from kidney cysts. It seems that it is difficult to control the condition and the patients are too worried about their disease. As a matter of fact, a good diet can also help shrink kidney cyst effectively. Let’s see what foods can help shrink kidney cyst.

Low-protein foods

We all know that kidney has many functions, one of them is to remove the waste and toxin from the body. But with the increase of the cysts, kidney can not filter proper amount of the waste. So you should keep a low-protein diet to produce less waste. However, keeping a low-protein diet only can not supply the nutritions that your body needs. Then high-quality protein foods are suggested to you, such as fish, eggs and milk.

Low-sodium foods

To prevent the water-sodium retention, the low-sodium diet is recommended to you. In addition, high-sodium foods can cause high blood pressure, which is a common symptom of kidney cyst. In order to prevent more kidney damage, you should keep a low-sodium diet. Bacon, pickled and processed foods are forbidden to you. You can replace sodium with other herbs when you are cooking to flavor your dishes.

Fresh fruits and vegetables

※ It is said that apple has the functions of reducing cholesterol and blood pressure. It also contains many vitamins that our body needed.

※ Orange contains much vitamin C and other nutriments. It can decrease the blood pressure and cholesterol and prevent kidney cyst growth.

※ Broccoli and cabbage contain much vitamin that is good for your kidney cyst condition. Considering to your health, you should eat them more, even you do not like eating before.

In conclusion, a well-managed diet is good for your kidney cyst and you can consult online doctor if you do not know what you can eat for your condition. You can also send an email to to know more foods that can help shrink kidney cyst and delay the progression of kidney disease. Best wishes.

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