Kidney Cyst

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Why Urinal Pain Occurs in Kidney Cysts Patients

2014-10-06 17:07| Font Size A A A

Why Urinal Pain Occurs in Kidney Cysts PatientsUrinal pain refers that it accompanies with pain feeling when you are urinate. Some patients with kidney cysts complaint that they are tortured by this unbearable pain. Why does urinal pain occur in this kind of kidney disease? How to deal with this condition?

First, let’s have a look at the overview of kidney cysts.

Generally speaking, most of renal cysts are benign and they won’t cause any discomforts. However, some renal cysts will also increase in sizes along with the time. When they enlarge to a certain size, the renal cysts are likely to rupture. Once these cysts are too large to remove in time, patients may experience swollen kidney, back pain, flank pain and so on. Once the renal cysts are rupture, patients may suffer from serious infections such as kidney cysts infection, urinary tract infection, kidney infection and so on due to the leakage of cystic fluid.

Then, let’s see the connection between urinal pain and kidney cysts.

Pain in the urinary tract can arise for various reasons. The location of urinary tract pain is important to distinguish urethral pain, urinary burning, or urination pain (pain or burning during urination) from bladder pain or kidney pain. And there could be several reasons for painful urination. Urinary tract infections are the most common cause of painful urination. And the renal cysts contribute to leading to urinary tract infection. The cystic fluid will leak into urinary tract cause infection. In other words, the bacteria and virus flourishing in the urinary tract cause inflammatory of the surrounding tissues resulting in painful and burning sensation. If painful urination is left untreated, it can be life threatening depend on the causes. Complications include kidney failure, shock and spread of cancer.

Well then, how to deal with this condition?

One of urgent things is to shrink renal cysts naturally. Nephrologist who work in Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital, China, recommend you the latest treatment called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Hot Compress Therapy, Blood Pollution Therapy and so on. Have any questions, please email to or leave a message below and we are always here to help you.

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