Kidney Cyst

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Can A Cyst in My Kidney Affect My GFR

2018-02-09 18:43| Font Size A A A

Can A Cyst in My Kidney Affect My GFR

It is possible to have one or more cysts in one or both kidneys, especially when you are grow older. Can a cyst in my kidney affect my GFR? Read on to find out the answer.

In most cases, simple kidney cysts do not cause symptoms and usually do not require treatment. However, in some cases, simple kidney cysts can grow large enough and cause a dull pain in your back, side or upper abdomen. These can also get infected, causing pain, fever and tenderness. They can burst, also causing pain. Simple kidney cysts rarely harm kidneys or impair their ability to function. If your kidney cyst is associated with PKD, your GFR may be associated.

If your GFR declines, how to improve it?

Surgery such as Sclerotherapy is often used to treat simple kidney cysts. The cyst is punctured using a long needle, guided by ultrasound, and then is drained and filled with an alcohol-containing solution to harden it. If the cyst is large enough, laparoscopy might be needed. During the procedure, the cyst is drained and removed or burned in order to prevent it from coming back.

If you do not like the above invasive treatment, you can try Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which has been practiced clinically in Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine for years. It can help stop the growth of renal cysts and shrink all renal cysts. Because all ingredients of medicine used in this treatment are mainly herbs, which are from nature, you can use it safely.

To improve GFR, you may also have to combine Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy with Toxin-Removing Treatment, which can help set up a good blood environment for kidney self-healing and other medication application. After about one week’s treatment, you will see floccules in urine, and back pain will disappear. After about one month’s treatment, your renal cysts will shrink and renal function will be promoted gradually.

Can a cyst in my kidney affect my GFR? If it keeps growing, it can affect your GFR. Once your GFR declines, you must attach importance. For more information on kidney cyst treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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