Kidney Failure

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What Steps to Take to Reverse Lost of Kidney Function

2018-12-08 22:22| Font Size A A A

What Steps to Take to Reverse Lost of Kidney Function
Hello, I‘m being treated for chronic kidney failure. My doctors never talk about healing or steps I can take to reverse lost of my kidney function. Can you give me some suggestions?

Answer: what is your GFR now? Generally speaking, when kidney filtration function damage is less than 50%, we can help you reverse the disease. If the damage is over 50% or even 75%, it is impossible to reverse it, but we can help you stabilize the disease and promote living quality. And you can take the following steps to restore a portion of renal function.

Step 1: to eliminate waste products and extra fluid from body.

With the loss of kidney function, a lot of waste products and extra fluid build up in the blood. Traditional Chinese Medicine thinks the excess is toxic. In other words, whether it is nutrient or harmful substance, as long as it accumulates in the human body and exceeds the human body's ability to consume or expel it, the excess substance will become toxin.

Large amount of toxins not only inhibit the effectiveness of drugs, but also worsen inflammation in the body. Therefore, the removal of large amount of toxins accumulated in the human body becomes an effective method for the treatment.

Step 2: to improve blood circulation

Those wastes can slow down the blood circulation so that substances in the blood deposit on the blood vessels, leading to stasis. Stasis can affect blood flow into kidneys, causing renal ischemia and anoxia, which can make kidney condition worse. Therefore, it is also important for you to improve blood circulation and increase blood flow into kidneys.

Step 3: to inhibit renal inflammation

Persistent renal inflammation can cause kidney damage and impair renal function. For glomerulonephritis patients, this step is crucial. It can help halt the progression of disease.

Step 4: to provide the damaged kidneys with essential elements

The damaged kidneys need essential elements such as oxygen, nutrients, vitamin, amino acids, active ingredients of medicine and so on to heal themselves and restore a portion of renal function.

Conventional treatment is intended for controlling symptoms, so it is not enough to control the disease. Here we recommend you to try Toxin-Removing Treatment, also known as Detoxification Therapy. It can help you achieve the goal of restoring renal function from the above 4 steps.

Note: the above material is only for informational purposes. For specific suggestions, please consult a physician.

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