Nephrotic Syndrome

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Is Taro Good for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients

2017-11-01 12:01| Font Size A A A

Is Taro Good for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients

Taro is a very delicious root vegetable, which is packed with various benefits, for example, to stabilize heart, to accelerate cell generation, etc. Is taro good for Nephrotic Syndrome patients? Go on reading to find out the answer.

As long as you control taro intake into allowed daily intake, it can bring you the following benefits.

-Stabilize blood sugar level

High blood sugar level is a cause of Nephrotic Syndrome. Taro root is rich in dietary fiber, which may help prevent blood glucose levels from spiking and dropping dramatically in those with diabetes.

-Improve heart health

Heart disease is a main cause of death for kidney patients. Taro roots can give 19% of the daily required vitamin E that is required to prevent the risks of a heart attack. Its high potassium content can also help control the heart beat and also relieve stress on the arteries. But if your blood potassium level is high, you had better limit taro intake.

-Boost immune system

The application of steroids and immunosuppressants for Nephrotic Syndrome patients can weaken immune system so as to make you get infections easily. Taro toot contains a good supply of vitamin C, which has a positive impact on immune health so as to protect against common sickness such as the flu and cold.

In addition, taro can help promote better circulation of the blood through the body, improve bowel movement, anti-cancer, clear stomach, etc.


Taro root can be toxic if eaten raw so it needs to be prepared and cooked properly. And taro is high in calories. If you want to reduce weight, taro is not a good choice.

Is taro good for Nephrotic Syndrome patients? Moderate intake is good, but to control the disease well, simply a kind of food can not achieve this goal. Here we recommend you a systemic Chinese medicine treatment. It is Toxin-Removing Treatment. After a period of treatment, swelling will disappear, and proteinuria will turn negative. It has been practiced in Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine for years, and proved to be effective. For more information on our hospital and our treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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