Polycystic Kidney Disease

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Things to Avoid Doing When Having Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

2015-01-25 09:58| Font Size A A A

Things to Avoid Doing When Having Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)When diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), you may suffer some body changes which make you cannot live normal life as the healthy people. There are many things to avoid when you have PKD. Please follow me if you have interest for the topic.

Polycystic Kidney Disease, an inherited disease is characterized with multiple cysts forming in the both kidneys. These cysts are fluid-filled pockets, and in the early stage, patients indeed may not experience symptoms, while in the advanced stage, the cysts may become bigger, then, the enlarged cysts will oppress the surrounding kidney tissue and other organs, resulting in more serious illness condition. In the condition, patients have to pay more attention to their daily diet, lifestyles and treatment options.

Now, let’s have a look at the things to avoid when having PKD.

Diet Management

1. Avoid drinking beverages which contain alcohol, caffeine and extra energy like beer, white spirit, coffee, cola, strong tea and other energy drinks.

2. Limit intake of protein intake. Since damaged kidney cannot afford the extra burden, eating too much protein will produce extra urea and other wasteful products. Therefore, reducing protein intake will be good for protecting remaining kidney function.

3. Avoid high-salt and high-sodium diet. A low salt and sodium intake can be helpful for relieving water-sodium retention (swelling) and high blood pressure.

There are general introduction of the diet therapy. After all, diet should be personalized and to know your specific diet, you’d better contact a dietitian or our Online Doctors.


1. Giving up smoking

2. Avoid intensive training and exercises

3. Avoid the gesture such as bending, stretching, pushing, etc.

Medical Treatment

1. You’d better not choose surgery. (compared to surgery, Traditional Chinese Medicine is more safe, natural and effective)

2. Avoid nephrotoxic drugs.

Above all, we can see that what we should do is to protect kidney cysts from rupturing, so as to we can shrink them naturally. If you have follow-up questions, please be free to contact us: renal-disease@hotmail.com or leave a message below directly.

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