Polycystic Kidney Disease

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Does Polycystic Kidney Disease Threaten Life Expectancy

2018-03-07 19:00| Font Size A A A

Does Polycystic Kidney Disease Threaten Life Expectancy
Polycystic kidney disease (also called PKD) is a genetic kidney disease, which causes numerous cysts to grow in the kidneys. Does PKD threaten life expectancy? Read on to learn more information.

PKD can affect other organs besides the kidney, such as liver, pancreas, spleen, ovaries, and large bowel. Cysts in these organs usually do not cause serious problems, but can in some people. PKD can also affect the brain or heart. If PKD affects the brain, it can cause an aneurysm. An aneurysm is a bulging blood vessel that can burst, resulting in a stroke or even death. If PKD affects the heart, the valves can become floppy, resulting in a heart murmur in some patients. If without timely treatment, PKD can cause kidney failure, which can cause some severe complications to threaten life, such as cardiovascular disease. If you do not want your life to be threatened, you should stop the growth of cysts and shrink them.

Here we recommend you to try a conservative treatment. It is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This treatment can infiltrate the micronized herbs into polycystic kidneys to take effect. It can stop the growth of renal cysts by restraining renal tubular epithelial cells from proliferating and inhibiting the secretion of lining cells. It can also shrink those renal cysts by increasing the permeability of cyst wall and the pressure difference inside and outside, and then cyst fluid can be drawn out. When you can control those renal cysts well, your renal function will be restored gradually, and then you can reduce the complications related with PKD greatly. Generally speaking, after about one week’s treatment, you will see floccules in urine. After about half month’s treatment, back pain, high blood pressure, hematuria and some other symptoms will be relieved. After about one month’s treatment, the kidney size and cyst size will become small. To reinforce the effect, you had better keep on treatment for a period of time.

Does PKD threaten life expectancy? Yes, it does. Therefore, you had better take treatment as early as possible to prevent further kidney damage. For more information on PKD treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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