Polycystic Kidney Disease

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How Much Water Can You Drink with PKD

2015-05-07 17:33| Font Size A A A

How Much Water Can You Drink with PKDAs the genetic disease, PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) is characterized with different sizes and quantities and fluid-filled cysts on the kidneys. Along with the development of illness condition, more and more restrictions are be required, just like water. Well then, how much water can you drink with PKD?

Why do PKD patients need to limit intake of water?

It is well known that water is the source of life, and it can be though as the best clearer of our body. For the healthy people, drinking 8 cups of water is enough to satisfy the body’s need. However, for PKD patients, they need to pay attention to daily water intake. Because PKD patients are prone to suffer from high blood pressure, swelling and cysts rupture and so on, which needs to limit intake of water.

How much eater can PKD patients drink?

To be frank, there is no certain answers, as different illness conditions will have different requirements. If the patient’s urination is normal, 4000ml of water one daily is usually recommended for these patients to keep urine volume range in 2000-2500ml, so more toxins and wastes will be removed from the body and give the kidney a clean internal environment. For these patients, drinking enough water can help treat their medical disease to some extent. However, for dialysis patients, they need to decrease intake of water, because their kidneys cannot filter extra wastes and toxins from the body. For these patients, a correct amount of water intake is recommended.

The mentioned above is the general introduction about the water intake for PKD patients. If you have questions, please do feel free to contact our Online Doctor or email to renal-disease@hotmail.com. And we will do our best to help you.

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