Polycystic Kidney Disease

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Ways to Ease Polycystic Kidney Pain

2018-12-12 23:48| Font Size A A A

Ways to Ease Polycystic Kidney Pain

With polycystic kidney disease (PKD), it is very likely for to have pain. Some studies show that over 60 percent of patients with PKD have abdominal and back pain. Here are some ways to ease polycystic kidney pain. Hope they can help you.


Opioids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the two types of medicine often used to manage pain in PKD, although NSAIDs are not suitable for all patients with kidney problems. They are just stopgap measures. If you can not stop the growth of cysts and shrink them, you will have pain for all the time.

Traditional Chinese medicine

In Traditional Chinese medicine, there are also therapies to help you get immediate relief from pain, for example, acupuncture, moxibustion, acupoint application, auricular point application, etc. They can improve qi and blood flow through the channels so as to relieve the pain.

In the long run, you can use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It is a great innovation of traditional Chinese medicine. This treatment can infiltrate the micronized herbs into polycystic kidneys directly to take effect. When you receive treatment, you just lie on back. It can play the role of massage, so your back pain will get alleviated immediately.

In addition, this treatment can suppress the proliferation of renal tubular epithelial cells and stop the secretion of lining cells so as to prevent the cysts from enlarging further. It can also increase the permeability of cyst wall and pressure difference inside and outside so that fluid can be drawn out, and then renal cysts will shrink.

After about one week’s treatment, your back pain will disappear.

After about half month’s treatment, your high blood pressure will come down and be stabilized.

After about one month’s treatment, your PKD will be under control, and renal function will get improved, because kidney cysts will be smaller than before treatment. With treatment going on, the effect will be better.

The above ways can help ease polycystic kidney pain, but they are not available all over the world. For more information on PKD treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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