Renal Parenchymal Disease

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What Food Should Renal Parenchymal Disease Patients Eat

2018-10-10 14:37| Font Size A A A

What Food Should Renal Parenchymal Disease Patients Eat
Doctor, actually my disease is chronic renal parenchymal disease early stage. What foods should I eat? Any advice? Thanks.

Answer: chronic renal parenchymal disease is also known as chronic kidney disease (CKD). In early stage of CKD, you may not have any symptoms and your kidneys are still working well, so there is unnecessary for you to follow a diet restriction. But you should pay attention to protein intake and salt intake.


Protein is essential for maintaining the normal function of body, so you have to take it, but too much intake may put extra stress on your kidneys, especially when you have protein leakage or impaired renal function. Therefore, it is suggested to take a low amount but high quality protein.


Salt makes our meal delicious. But too much salt intake can retain water in body to cause swelling. It can also increase blood volume to elevate blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause direct kidney damage. No matter you have kidney disease or not, it is better for you to follow a low salt diet.

In addition, you can eat more vitamins.

Vitamins can strengthen your immunity so as to help you fight against the disease and reduce its relapse. Fresh vegetables and fruits high in vitamins are recommended.

Early stage of renal parenchymal disease can still be reversed, so do not just wait, but grasp your time for treatment. In Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, we usually use Toxin-Removing Treatment, also known as Detoxification Therapy. It can make internal environment good for kidney self-healing and other medication application. After a period of time, your illness condition will get relieved, and your renal function can be restored.

What food should renal parenchymal disease patients eat? The above is only a general guidance. If you would like to get a personalized guidance, please send a copy of your lab report to Our renal experts will help you analyze it and then give you some suggestions.

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