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How Does Diabetes Damage Your Kidneys? The 3 Symptoms Are Its Crime Evidence

2018-08-16 15:11| Font Size A A A

How Does Diabetes Damage Your Kidneys? The 3 Symptoms Are Its Crime Evidence
Data show that more and more people with diabetes develop uremia. Uremia is a common complication of diabetes. Because in early stage of kidney disease, there are not so many symptoms, people usually do not realize they have kidney disease. When they detect it, it has progressed into uremia.

Be careful with these 3 symptoms. They may tell you that uremia is coming.

1. Anemia and bleeding


Deficiency of erythropoietin occurs when the kidneys are damaged. At this time, the accumulation of garbage and toxins in the body inhibits the hemopoietic function of the bone marrow, shortens the survival period of red blood cells, accelerates the destruction of red blood cells and leads to hemolytic anemia.


Patients with uremia often have bleeding tendency, which is manifested as gingival bleeding, nosebleed and gastrointestinal bleeding.

2. Poor appetite, nausea, vomiting

Early uremia patients often have dyspepsia, loss of appetite and other diseases of the digestive system. As the disease worsens, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal bleeding and other diseases will appear. The reason is that urea in the intestinal bacteria breaks down urea into ammonia, which stimulates the gastrointestinal mucosa, causing inflammation and multiple superficial ulcers.

3. Mouth odor of ammonia

Metabolic acidosis may occur in diabetic patients with uremia. The patient's breathing is slow and deep, and the specific respiration of acidosis can be seen in severe cases. The gas the patient exhales smells of urine, which is caused by bacteria breaking down urea in split to form ammonia.

Why does diabetes develop into uremia?

For people with diabetes, kidneys can be damaged in two ways, making them more prone to problems than the general population, and uremia is often at high risk.

1. Diabetic Nephropathy

This is the manifestation of diabetes systemic microvascular disease, one of the most important complications of diabetes.

2. Drug toxicity

Long-term oral hypoglycemic drugs are needed after diagnosis, which may increase the metabolic burden of the kidney.

Does Diabetic Nephropathy really have no medicine to use?

Of course not.

Doctors generally recommend injections of short-acting insulin (especially for uremia patients), or drugs such as nostron, which are less metabolized by the kidneys, and the commonly used oral hypoglycemic drugs such as biguanidine and sulfonylureas, are prohibited for Diabetic Nephropathy patients.

For more information on Diabetic Nephropathy prevention and treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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