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Diabetic Nephropathy—The Most Difficult to Treat

2018-04-21 14:55| Font Size A A A

Dear diabetics, besides blood sugar level, have you ever checked your microalbuminuria?

About 30% - 40% diabetics develop Diabetic Nephropathy, which eventually progresses into uremia. But many diabetics have not realized the upcoming risks.

First, let’s take a look at the stages of Diabetic Nephropathy.

The following form is the internationally recognized Mogensen stage.

Diabetic Nephropathy stages microalbuminuria/creatinine GFR Symptoms
Stage 1:Glomerular hyperfiltration stage   >90 ml/min Enlarged kidney, no symptoms
Stage 2:Normal microalbuminuria stage <30 60-89 ml/min Some patients present high blood pressure
Stage 3: Microalbuminuria stage 30-300 30-59 ml/min Slightly increased blood pressure
Stage 4: Clinical proteinuria stage  >300 15-29 ml/min Swelling, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia
Stage 5: Kidney Failure stage   <15 ml/min  uremia

Stage 1: It is reversible. After treatment, you can get well.

Stage 2: There is structure change in glomeruli. Comprehensive treatment is needed to repair them.

Stage 3: It is also known as early Diabetic Nephropathy. Patients’ blood pressure increases slightly. Glomeruli are damaged. The difficulty of reversing the disease increases.

Stage 4: This stage is characterized by massive albuminuria, swelling and high blood pressure. The possibility of restoring your health decreases.

Stage 5: It is ESRD, in which you have kidney failure. Most patients can not restore health, so dialysis is needed.

The above stages are divided by the urine albumin. With the medical progression, some scholars believe that it should not be divided by the urine albumin, because Diabetic Nephropathy patients do not have so much proteinuria, and the second column and the third column are not equal.

You can observe the above form. From the second stage, GFR decreases. That is to say, kidney function declines. When it goes into stage 3, kidney damage has been very severe. But the funny thing is that there is not so much protein in urine, so it still belongs to early stage. The fact is that you have gone into kidney failure. Because of this, about 74% of patients have a misdiagnosis.

Therefore, many scholars believe that if you want to divide type diabetes, GFR is more scientific.

Then how to prevent uremia for diabetics?

Stage 1: check GFR regularly, which can help you find out Diabetic Nephropathy in early stage.

Stage 2: microalbuminuria begins to increase after exercises, so you should check your microalbuminuria.

Stage 3: because microalbuminuria continuously increases, it is easy to be detected. At this time, it is still possible for you to reverse your renal function.

If you are in the above 3 stages, grasp your time for treatment. Maybe you have done urine routine test and 24h urine protein. But it is not targeted. What you should do is urine protein component test.
Diabetic Nephropathy—The Most Difficult to Treat

Stage 4: you can know your condition clearly even without tests, because you have swelling in body. Do not lose hope. Keep on treatment.

Stage 5: Please calm down and start dialysis.

For more information on Diabetic Nephropathy treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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