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Does 10% GFR Indicate for Patients Having Frequent Dialysis

2015-04-24 10:37| Font Size A A A

Does 10% GFR Indicate for Patients Having Frequent DialysisA person with GFR 10% means that the patient’s illness condition has progressed into End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). In the stage, due to severe kidney damage, they are prone to suffer from serious symptoms and severe complications. Then, dialysis is usually recommended to patients. Well then, does 10% GFR indicate for patients having frequent dialysis?

As we all know, the function of our kidneys is to purify your body by removing waste and excess fluid. Dialysis is a treatment used for people whose kidneys don’t work properly.

The purpose of Dialysis

A properly functioning kidney helps prevent salt, extra water and waste from accumulating in your body, it also help control blood pressure and regulates important chemicals in the blood, such as sodium (salt) and potassium. For patient with 10% kidney function, his or her kidneys don’t perform these functions. In the conditions, dialysis, as the kidney replacement treatment, it indeed can help the damaged kidneys filter extra wastes and toxins from the body effectively.

Risks for dialysis

Dialysis carries several risks which associated with bleeding, low blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, infection, nausea, air bubbles in the blood. To be frank, if the patients with 10% GFR still have urine output, there is a great chance to avoid dialysis.

The alternative treatment to dialysis patients with 10% kidney function.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

It is a natural way to repair kidney damage and improve renal function through the specific functions. It is a combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and western medicine. Under the help of osmosis device, the active ingredients in the treatment can permeate into kidney lesions directly. Through the functions of dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and so on, the wastes and toxins in blood can be cleared and the ischemia and anoxia can be improved.

In addition, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Hot Compress Therapy, Stem Cell Therapy and so on can be your best choices. If you want to learn more details, you can email to renal-disease@hotmail.com or leave a message below directly. And we will do our best to help you.

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