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Effect of Dialysis on Blood Hemoglobin

2019-05-02 17:53| Font Size A A A

Effect of Dialysis on Blood HemoglobinMost dialysis patients have low blood hemoglobin. Do you know the effect of dialysis on blood hemoglobin? Now go on reading to learn more information.

Relationship between dialysis and blood hemoglobin

Because the endocrine function of the kidney can secrete 95% of the erythropoietin in the body. The erythropoietin is important hormone responsible for mobilizing bone marrow hematopoiesis and can promote the formation of red blood cells. Due to long-term renal failure, hormone secretion will inevitably be affected, thereby causing anemia.

Generally speaking, the degree of anemia is proportional to the severity of renal failure. Basically, chronic renal failure and uremia dialysis generally have anemia, the difference is only the level of hemoglobin, and the degree of anemia.

Normal blood hemoglobin level for dialysis patients

When hemoglobin level in dialysis patients is below 110 g/L, it needs to be corrected. Improvement of hemoglobin suggests improvement of renal anemia control and nutritional symptoms.

However, it does not mean that the higher the hemoglobin level, the better the patients. Excessive hemoglobin level is likely to cause elevated blood pressure, vascular embolism, and also increase the probability of hemodialysis coagulation. At present, the target value of hemoglobin recommended by most countries is 110-120 g/L.

How to improve blood hemoglobin level for dialysis patients?

Conventional treatment is to injection EPO or supplement iron. But if you can not restore renal function, it is hardly for you to have a permanent control of the disease. Here we recommend you to try a systemic Chinese medicine treatment. It is Toxin-Removing Treatment, also known as Detoxification Therapy. It makes use of various therapies such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Enema Therapy and so on to eliminate waste products and extra fluid from body via urine to make internal environment good for kidney self-healing. It can also improve blood circulation and increase blood flow into kidneys so as to provide nidus with enough essential elements such as oxygen, nutrient and active ingredients of medicine. Moreover, it can reduce renal inflammation and control the disease from getting worse.

After about half month’s treatment, hemoglobin level will get relieved. And associated symptoms such as weakness, pale skin, cold limbs and so on will be alleviated greatly. After about one month’s treatment, kidney disease will be under control, and renal function will get improved. And then it is possible to reduce dialysis or even get rid of dialysis.

Now you know the effect of dialysis on hemoglobin. For more information on alternatives to dialysis, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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