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Can I Drink Cola If I Am on Dialysis

2017-11-12 10:16| Font Size A A A

Can I Drink Cola If I Am on Dialysis
Dialysis can help remove metabolic wastes out of the body for kidney failure patients, but they still have to be cautious in their daily diet. Here, we will mainly talk about one topic: Can I drink cola if I am on dialysis?

To know the answer, you not only need to know friendly-dialysis diet plan, but also clear ingredients within cola. If you still have questions after reading, you can email to us at renal-disease@hotmail.com or leave a message below directly and we are glad to help you.

Healthy dietary suggestions for dialysis patients.

1. High quality protein diet-to prevent malnutrition and enhance energy to the body.

2. Low-salt diet-to reduce water-retention and control high blood pressure.

3. Low-phosphorus food- to avoid imbalance of calcium and phosphorus.

4. Low-potassium diet-to prevent hyperkalemia and protect heart health.

5. High-vitamins diet-to strengthen immune system.

Ingredients within the cola

Cola is a sweetened, carbonated soft drink, derived from drinks that originally contained caffeine from the kola nut and cocaine from coca leaves, flavored with vanilla and other ingredients. Modern colas usually contain caramel color, caffeine and sweeteners such as sugar or high fructose corn syrup.

Well then, can dialysis patients drink cola?

Sorry, the answer is no! Namely they should avoid taking the drink. Why?

As the mentioned above, a dialysis diet controls the amount of potassium, phosphorus, sodium and liquid in patients’ diet. However, colas contain high levels of phosphoric acid, which has been linked to kidney stones and other renal problems.

In addition, studies show that people will develop tolerance to the effects of the caffeine after take in large doses of caffeine in a short period of time. What’s more, Caffeine may make renal failure worse. Studies had shown caffeine exacerbates renal failure, if there is kidney disease in combination with metabolic syndrome. In conclusion, coffee is not recommended to kidney patients.

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