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How Long Does Dialysis Extend Your Life

2018-01-07 19:55| Font Size A A A

How Long Does Dialysis Extend Your Life
As we all know, dialysis can help maintain life for kidney failure patients. How long does dialysis extend your life? In this article, let’s have a discussion.

For some renal patients, after several years of dialysis, they pass away, while for some renal patients, they still live a normal life after a dozen of years of dialysis. There are reports in the world that showed that several dialysis patients have lived for over 40 years. Why there is so great distinction? It depends on how well you control your disease after starting dialysis.

How to extend your life on dialysis?

Our hospital devotes itself to make personalized dialysis treatment plan, which can help you protect your cardiovascular system, nutrition state, cerebrovascular system, mental health, muscle content, exercise rehabilitation, residual renal function and so on so as to prolong your lifespan to over 30 years.

The commonly used treatment in our hospital is systemic Chinese medicine treatment, such as Toxin-Removing Treatment. It takes advantage of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Mai Kang Mixture and other Chinese therapies to increase your urine output, improve your bowel movement and make you sweat so that more waste products can be passed out of body. It can also dilate blood vessels and remove stasis to improve blood circulation and increase blood flow into kidneys so that enough essential elements such as vitamins, active enzymes, and active ingredients of medicine can be transported into nidus to speed up kidney recovery. After a short period of treatment, your symptoms such as swelling, weakness, headache, shortness of breath and high blood pressure will be relieved. After a long period of treatment, your renal function will be improved gradually, and your living quality will be promoted as well.

How long does dialysis extend your life? Hope the above information can help you. If you want to get personalized treatment plan from Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, you can send a copy of your lab report to renal-disease@hotmail.com or leave a message below. Our renal experts will help you analyze it and then reply you soon.

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