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How Can Dialysis Patients Deal with Thirst During the Summer Months

2018-06-27 15:06| Font Size A A A

How Can Dialysis Patients Deal with Thirst During the Summer Months
In hot summer, it is likely for you to feel thirsty. How can dialysis patients deal with thirst during the summer months? In this article, we will tell you.

Why dialysis patients should restrict water intake?

In ESRD, the kidneys have been so severely damaged that you have to live on dialysis to maintain your life. Because dialysis can not work like your own kidneys for 24 hours every day. During two dialysis intervals, wastes and fluid build up in the body again. Without restriction on diet and fluid, wastes and fluid will accumulate more so as to cause severe adverse effects and complications. In severe cases, it may threaten your life.

Ways to help dialysis patients relieve thirst during the summer months

-In summer, you may have excessive sweating, which can make your body lose fluid. In such a case, you should talk with your doctor to adjust your diet and water intake.

-You can keep ice chips in your mouth and let them melt slowly, which can keep thirst at bay.

-You can add lemon or lime slices or cucumber slices in water, which refreshes and stimulates saliva to relieve dry mouth.

-To freeze low-potassium fruit juices like apple and grape juice in ice trays and use them in place of ice chips.

In addition, you can try Toxin-Removing Treatment, which is also known as Detoxification Therapy. This treatment can increase your urine output. When excess fluid is taken away from body, you can drink water and quench your thirst. This is actually a systemic treatment, which can eliminate wastes and excess fluid from body via urine, sweat and bowel movement. It can also clear up blood stasis and make blood alive so as to make blood flow fluent, and then enough essential elements can be transported into nidus to speed up kidney recovery. Moreover, it can relieve renal inflammation to control the disease from worsening. After about one week’s treatment, your edema will vanish, and there will be a lot of sediments in urine. Your urine volume will also increase. After about half month’s treatment, your high creatinine, BUN and uric acid level will reduce. After about one month’s treatment, your disease will be under control, and renal function will get improved.

How can dialysis patients deal with thirst during the summer months? Now you get the answer. If you would like to get more information on dialysis, please leave a message below or contact online doctor. We will try our best to help you.

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