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How Dangerous If I Contract Flu with FSGS

2015-01-04 09:56| Font Size A A A

How Dangerous If I Contract Flu with FSGSFSGS patients are prone to be attacked by flu or cold due to low immune system. Therefore, patients should pay more attention to their attention to details in daily life. Then, how dangerous if FSGS patients contract flu?

FSGS, known as Focal Segmental Glomeruloscerosis means there are some part of glomeruli are scarred, which is a commonly seen primary glomerular damage of Nephrotic Syndrome for children and adults. And patients with this kind of kidney disease may suffer from various symptoms like proteinuria, swelling, fatigue, anemia, vomiting, high creatinine level and so on. If left untreated, these symptoms can push patients into Kidney Failure.

Along with decline of renal function, patients are prone to suffer from a low immune system. With a low immunity, patients are more likely to be attacked by the flu. Actually, flu is very common in our daily life, it can be ignored easily. Indeed, some people may have a good physical status, they can get rid of flu or cold easily by themselves or by the drugs. However, for some patients with a diseased body, like FSGS, they must pay more attention their body health. For FSGS patients, due to diseased kidneys, their immune system had already been disturbed. In the condition, once they get cold, they will be at high risk for getting infections. The one of dangerous things is the infection. It not only worsen your illness condition but also can lead to relapse of your disease. What’s worse, it can speed up deterioration of illness condition and directly cause kidney failure, which means that your kidney has lost nearly lost all of kidney function.

Therefore, once FSGS patients have a cold suddenly, you should seek your doctor as early as possible. Here Immunotherapy is recommended to you. It aims at improving immune system and repairing kidney damage from the root. You may never hear the therapy, it doesn’t matter. You can get more details by leaving a message or email us to renal-disease@hotmail.com

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