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FSGS: Can I Still Live with Normal Life

2018-07-24 15:00| Font Size A A A

FSGS: Can I Still Live with Normal Life
“Hello. I am diagnosed with FSGS. Can I still live with normal life?” When you get to know that you are with an incurable disease, you may have various concerns. This question is just one of them. In this article, we will tell you the answer.

FSGS indeed affects your life more or less.

No matter your disease gets well controlled or not, you should have some restrictions, otherwise it is likely for FSGS to get relapse frequently. Frequent relapse does not only make you feel bothered, but also make your kidney condition worse. What restrictions should you follow?

-Diet. You can not eat whatever you like. For example, you should reduce the salt intake, which may make your foods tasteless. In such a case, you may have to give up some snacks. Besides, you should not eat too much protein, because it can put extra stress on kidneys and worsen your proteinuria. In such a case, pork, beef, mutton and other red meat are not recommended.

-Exercises. You may like playing foot ball, basketball and other fierce exercises. But now you had better not do it now. Those exercises can make you exhausted, which is not conductive for your recovery. But you can do some exercises in the daily to strengthen your physical condition, but pay attention to the types, duration, intensity of the exercises.

-Living habits. Smoking, drinking, staying up and so on are well-known bad habits. Now you must give up them.

In addition, with FSGS, you may not be able to have a baby if you are female, especially when your renal function has been impaired. 

How to promote living quality with FSGS?

The more severe your kidney disease, the lower your living quality. Then how to prevent FSGS from getting worse? Apart from conventional treatment, we recommend you to try Toxin-Removing Treatment, also known as Detoxification Therapy. This is a systemic treatment, which can eliminate toxins including those immune complexes from blood via urine, sweat and bowel movement to make internal environment good for kidney self-healing and other medication application. It can also restore the balance of anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory cytokines to relieve renal inflammation and control the disease from getting worse. Moreover, it can provide essential elements to damaged kidneys to heal themselves.

-After about one week’s treatment, swelling will vanish.

-After about half month’s treatment, proteinuria will reduce or even turn negative.

-After about one month’s treatment, your disease will be under control, and renal function will get improved.

Whether you can live a normal life or not with FSGS depends on your medical treatment. If it is effective enough, you can lead a normal life. If it is not, your life may become miserable. Therefore, you had better take treatment as early as possible to protect your kidneys from being damaged. For more information on FSGS treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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