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Why Your FSGS Keeps Relapsing

2018-05-12 14:51| Font Size A A A

Why Your FSGS Keeps Relapsing
Many of our FSGS patients tell us that before coming to our hospital, they have gone to see a lot of doctors and tried various medicine, but their disease keeps relapsing. Even though the disease gets into remission. Once they catch a cold or become tired, it comes back. Do you know why your FSGS keeps relapsing? After reading this article, you will find out the answer.

1. Inaccurate diagnosis

Some patients may say that they have done renal biopsy, but renal biopsy is not enough. Because it can only tell us the damaged area, cell types and types of active lesions and inactive lesions in the kidneys. It can not judge the glomerular filtration function and renal tubular function. Therefore, it is necessary for you to have a comprehensive assessment of your kidney damage, including immune function, kidney damage and current medication.

2. Nonstandard treatment

FSGS is a complex disease. There is not a medicine that can cure it. If you really want to get well soon, a systemic treatment is needed. For example, in western medicine, there are immunosuppressants to treat complications and protect renal function. In Chinese medicine, there is Toxin-Removing Treatment. They are both standard treatment systems. If you want to conduct such a comprehensive treatment, professional doctors and hospitals should be found.

3. Not take preventatives

No matter doctors or patients, they both attach importance to the initial treatment. But in fact, no matter how good the initial treatment, it can not solve all the problems. Many patients often neglect the prevention so that their diseases keep relapsing. Catching a cold, being tired, or taking improper diet can all trigger the relapse of FSGS. Be attention to them in the daily.

Why your FSGS keeps relapsing? Now you get the answer. If you really want to have a good prognosis in the future, you should avoid the above aspects. We believe you can get well soon. Now you can leave a message below or contact our online doctor. We can help you analyze your disease and give you personalized guidance on your FSGS treatment.

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