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Can Scar Tissue Be Removed from Kidneys for FSGS Patients

2018-05-19 15:08| Font Size A A A

Can Scar Tissue Be Removed from Kidneys for FSGS Patients
FSGS describes scarring of the kidneys’ tiny blood vessels. Since the scarred tissues have been dead. Can scar tissue be removed from kidneys for FSGS patients? If you have such a question, go on reading to learn more information.

Why kidney tissues become scarred for FSGS patients?

When you do immunofluorescence examination, you will find that on the scarred area, there are a lot of immune complexes, such as C3 and C1q. Those immune complexes can trigger renal inflammation, which over time can cause scarring. Then where do these immune complexes come from? They are from immune reaction in your body. When you catch a cold or infection or are under other conditions, it is likely for you to have abnormal immune reaction.

How to treat FSGS?

Conventional treatment is to use steroids or immunosuppressants to inhibit renal inflammation rather than cleanse those immune complexes from kidneys and blood. That is why once you stop or taper the medicine, proteinuria, swelling and other symptoms come back. Here Toxin-Removing Treatment is recommended. It is a systemic Chinese medicine, which includes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Enema Therapy, Steam Therapy, Navel Therapy, Steam Therapy and so on. It can discharge toxins including immune complexes from cells, tissue fluid and blood. It can also regulate the balance of anti-inflammatory cytokines and pro-inflammatory cytokines so as to control the progression of disease. Moreover, it can improve blood circulation and increase blood flow into kidneys so as to transport more essential elements, such as oxygen, enzymes, amino acids, active ingredients of medicine and so on into nidus to speed up kidney recovery. After about one week’s treatment, swelling will fade away. After about half month’s treatment, proteinuria will be reduced or even turn negative. After about one month’s treatment, your disease will be under control. With treatment going on, both kidney condition and immunity get strengthened, so the disease won’t relapse so easily.

Can scar tissue be removed from kidneys for FSGS patients? No, it cannot, but you can protect the intact kidney tissues from being damaged. If your current treatment is not that effective, you can try Toxin-Removing Treatment. Now you can send a copy of your lab report to renal-disease@hotmail.com. Our renal experts will help you analyze it and then give you personalized guidance.

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