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Natural Solution for FSGS Patients with GFR 42

2018-07-09 11:55| Font Size A A A

Natural Solution for FSGS Patients with GFR 42
Hi, I have an aggressive form of FSGC with GFR of 42. Currently I am not taking any medication as I am looking for a natural solution.

Answer: Your GFR is 42. It means you are in stage 3 FSGS. Aggressive FSGS usually has a bad prognosis, so you had better take treatment as early as possible to halt the progression of FSGS.

FSGS is characterized by massive proteinuria and swelling. Do you have these symptoms? And do you have high blood pressure? Proteinuria and hypertension are mainly factors that affect the prognosis of FSGS. Western medicines such as steroids, immunosuppressants, ACEI, ARBs and so on are commonly used. Though they have many side effects, their advantages outweigh their disadvantages in short-term. If you can not find out a natural solution timely, you should start western medicine timely. When your disease is under control, you can try natural solution to stabilize the disease. Here we recommend you to try Toxin-Removing Treatment, also known as Detoxification Therapy. It is mainly consisted of Chinese medicine, which does not have so many side effects as western medicine, and you can use it safely for long-term.

Toxin-Removing Treatment for FSGS

FSGS is associated with immune disorder, which can cause massive immune complexes to deposit on kidneys. They can cause renal inflammation, which over time cause renal function impairment. Therefore, to treat FSGS, you need to suppress renal inflammation to prevent further kidney damage, clear immune complexes and other wastes from the blood to reduce renal inflammation, regulate the abnormal immune system to reduce the production of immune complexes. Toxin-Removing Treatment can help you reach these purpose. It can also help you develop good living habits to reduce the relapse of the disease.

After about one week’s treatment, your swelling will vanish. After about half month’s treatment, proteinuria will reduce or even turn negative. High blood pressure will come down and be kept stable. After about one month’s treatment, your FSGS will be under control, and renal function will get improved gradually.

The above natural solution is helpful for FSGS patients with GFR 42, but it is not available all over the world. Now you can send a copy of your lab report to renal-disease@hotmail.com. Our renal experts will help you analyze it and then give you some suggestions online.

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