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Why Glomerulonephritis Is Long-Lasting

2018-11-30 22:33| Font Size A A A

Why Glomerulonephritis Is Long-Lasting

Glomerulonephritis can cause swelling, proteinuria, back pain, high blood pressure and some other symptoms. With proper treatment, they can be under control. But under some inducements, those symptoms will come back. Why glomerulonephritis is long-lasting? Read on to learn more information.

What causes the frequent relapse of glomerulonephritis?

1. The disease itself

It is related to the pathological type of glomerulonephritis itself. For example, some pathological types are irreversible, such as focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS).

2. Whether medication is reasonable or not.

This is mainly reflected in that patients treat the disease at will. For example, when symptoms get relieved, they may change or stop the medicine. This can cause the relapse of disease.

3. Infections

The immune function of glomerulonephritis patients is low. Especially the patients that accompany anaemia and hypoalbuminemia, not only their physical condition and immunity is low, but also they get tired easily, which can cause infections. Once life and work are irregular, the disease will recur or even aggravate due to infection, especially upper respiratory tract infection, fatigue and other factors, leading to deterioration of renal function.

4. Misuse of nephrotoxic drugs

The most misuse is aminoglycoside antibiotics such as gentamicin. If renal function is deteriorated, it will cause uremia. When the condition of patients with glomerulonephritis is unstable, pregnancy, tourism and so on will also lead to the recurrence or aggravation of the disease. Patients with impaired renal function may also be aggravated by inappropriate diet.

How to prevent the relapse of glomerulonephritis?

1. Reasonable diet

In different stages of kidney disease, the nutrient intake is different. For example, in the early stage of kidney disease, it is suggested to supplement protein, while in the advanced stage, in order not to affect renal function, it is better to reduce protein intake. In adddition, seafood should be avoided, and eat low potassium or high potassium level according to your medical condition.

2. To drink moderate water

Swelling is a common symptom of kidney disease. Moderate water intake can effectively prevent the relapse of disease. In addition, drinking alcohol, and smoking should be stopped.

3. To ensure adequate sleeping

Adequate sleeping can help you get well from the disease, and keep relapse far away.

4. To reduce salt intake

High salt diet can cause the relapse of swelling. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain a low-salt diet in daily life. 2 grams of salt or so can meet our body needs. Nutritionist recommends kidney patients to take about 3 grams of salt every day, not exceed 6 grams. And it is not recommended to forbid salt completely.

5. Do not be over tired

Overstrain here not only refers to tiredness after work or exercises, but also includes staying up late, continuous mental stress, sleep disorders and other causes of fatigue.

Why glomerulonephritis is long-lasting? Now you get the answer. If you still have any other questions, please contact online doctor or leave a message below.

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