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Is Chronic Glomerulonephritis Inherited

2019-02-28 17:06| Font Size A A A

Is Chronic Glomerulonephritis InheritedChronic glomerulonephritis (CGN) is a group of primary glomerulonephritis with diffuse or focal inflammation of bilateral glomerulus caused by various etiologies. It has hidden clinical onset, long course and slow development. Is it inherited?

Chronic glomerulonephritis is not a hereditary disease, but depends on which kind of glomerulonephritis. It is divided into primary nephritis, secondary nephritis and hereditary nephritis. The first two are not directly inherited, but children have a higher risk of kidney disease than normal people.

True hereditary nephritis is called Alport syndrome, also known as eye-ear-kidney syndrome. This is a kind of hereditary nephritis characterized by recurrent hematuria, progressive renal failure, partial ocular changes and nervous deafness. With the development of the disease, proteinuria and Nephrotic Syndrome can eventually lead to renal failure.

There are different ways of inheritance of this disease. The most common way of inheritance is related to gender, that is, if the mother is sick, she does not only pass down to son, but also daughter; if the father is sick, he only passes down to daughter rather than son.

Therefore, most chronic nephritis is not hereditary, mostly caused by immune system dysfunction, and some nephritis is caused by chronic acute nephritis, which can not be cured for more than a year.

Next, let's talk about the hereditary nephritis - Alport Syndrome. The onset age of this kind of nephritis is relatively early. 70% of the patients are onset before the age of 10. In the early stage, they often have no conscious symptoms. Most of them are asymptomatic proteinuria and persistent hematuria. The condition of this kind of nephritis is progressing slowly, and the condition is more serious when it is discovered. Male patients are lighter than female patients, with normal life expectancy, but can also develop uremia.

Hematuria is the most prominent clinical manifestation of the disease. All patients have microscopic hematuria or gross hematuria. There is no proteinuria in the early stage. With the progress of the disease, proteinuria and hypertension can occur simultaneously, and the prognosis is poor. Neurological deafness is another characteristic manifestation of the disease. About 40% to 60% of the patients are involved. Male deafness is more common and bilateral symmetry is more common. 15% to 30% of patients will have ocular lesions, mainly including lens and retinal diseases.

Is chronic glomerulonephritis inherited? Now you get the answer. For more information on glomerulonephritis, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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