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Lupus, Dialysis, Feeling Tired: What to Do

2018-03-23 13:47| Font Size A A A

Lupus, Dialysis, Feeling Tired: What to Do
My daughter has lupus and is on dialysis and is always very tired what can she do?

Answer: Feeling tired is a common problem for kidney patients on dialysis. How long does your daughter is on dialysis? Does she still have urine output? What is the size of her kidneys now?

If she just starts dialysis, if her urine output is still normal, if her kidneys do not shrink, it is possible for her to stop dialysis with proper treatment. Though lupus seems more fierce than other kinds of kidney disease, it is reversible. Even if dialysis has been started, patients can stop dialysis. Therefore, you must have a clear diagnosis of the disease and grasp time for treatment.

The reason why she always feel tired is that her hemoglobin level is low. It is associated with kidney damage. The damaged kidneys can not secrete erythropoietin to stimulate bone marrows to make red blood cells. And the accumulated waste products in blood can shorten the lifespan of red blood cells so as to make anemia worse. To improve this condition, besides conventional EPO and iron supplements, kidney function improvement is also important.

Treatment for Lupus Nephritis patients to improve kidney condition

In Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Toxin-Removing Treatment is often used. This is a systemic Chinese medicine treatment, which can help clear excess immune complexes and other waste products from the blood and kidneys to reduce renal inflammation. It can also dissolve stasis and dispel it from blood vessels to ensure blood flow fluent, and then enough essential elements can be transported into nidus to speed up kidney recovery. After about one week’s treatment, her urine will become smelly and cloudy due to the existence of waste products. After about half month’s treatment, she will feel energetic. Her high creatinine, BUN and uric acid level will decrease. After about one month’s treatment, all her illness condition will get relieved greatly, and her renal function will increase. With the improvement of her kidney function, she can reduce or even get rid of dialysis.

Lupus Nephritis is a kind of kidney disease that is reversible even if you have been on dialysis. But once you lose your kidney function completely, there is no chance. Therefore, grasp your time for treatment. For more information on our hospital and our treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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