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What Are the Key Points of Chronic Nephritis Treatment

2018-07-08 11:35| Font Size A A A

What Are the Key Points of Chronic Nephritis Treatment
Chronic nephritis treatment is the problem that every patient cares about, but what are the key points of the treatment? A good and appropriate treatment regimen is really important.

First of all, we must be clear that the essence of chronic kidney disease is the damage to the kidney inherent cells. Due to renal ischemia and anoxia, a lot of protein and occult blood go out. Thereby the key of treatment lies in repairing the damaged cells.

Then why are cells cells damaged in chronic nephritis?

The accumulation of a large number of immune complexes result in renal ischemia and anoxia, leading to cell shrinkage and cell damage. The immune complexes consists of two forms:

1. The deposition of circulating immune complex.

2. The formation of in situ immune complex.

In the treatment of chronic nephritis, etiological treatment can be taken to repair the damaged glomeruli, in which Chinese medicine will have better curative effect. It can let the active ingredients of medicine reach nidus through oral medicine and external application to repair the damaged glomeruli so as to improve permeability of glomeruli and restore their filtration function.

What are the specific treatment options for chronic nephritis?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has the function of two-way regulating immune function, protecting the damaged glomeruli from further immune-mediated injury, reduce infiltration of inflammatory cells, and the number of growth factors and chemokines, decrease inflammatory reaction and reverse their normal metabolic function.

What are the key points of chronic nephritis treatment? This treatment can repair the damaged kidney inherent cells, clear immune complexes, regulate internal environment and enhance immunity, thus controlling the illness condition and preventing it from relapse. Besides, you can take advantage of Toxin-Removing Treatment to set up a good body environment for kidney self-healing and other medication. After about one week’s treatment, you will see cotton-like substances appear in urine, which are those immune complexes and wastes being passed out. After about half month’s treatment, swelling, proteinuria, hematuria, high blood pressure, anemia, back pain and so on will get great relief. After about one month’s treatment, your disease will be under control, and renal function will get promoted.

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