IgA Nephropathy

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How Much Daily Sodium Intake Should Be for IgA Nephropathy Patients

2015-05-07 10:13| Font Size A A A

How Much Daily Sodium Intake Should Be for IgA Nephropathy PatientsHow much daily sodium intake should be intake for IgA Nephropathy patients? The question come from a IgA nephropathy patient. Actually, many patients have the similar question. Please hold on, in the following passage, we will discuss the topic.

Why do patients limit sodium intake?

For patients with kidney damage, they need to develop a healthy and balanced diet plan, so as to slow down progression of illness condition. Sodium is the important mineral for our body healthy. In the normal condition, the healthy kidneys are in charge of discharging excessive sodium from the body, while for the damaged kidney, it can not do that effectively. Then, more and more sodium will build up in the body, causing numerous symptoms like increasing blood pressure, swelling, etc.

Well then, how much daily sodium should be?

In our daily life, salt is a good source of sodium. For the healthy people, without sodium, they will feel food tasteless. However, a low sodium diet is very important to IgA nephroapthy patients. If you happen to a IgA nephrpathy patient, the following number can be your reference.

Generally speaking, you should limit the salt intake into 6 g per day. But when we cook meal, there is already about 3 g salt content in the food, which means you only need to take 3 g salt per day. If you have severe edema and high blood pressure, it is better for you to eat salt free food. In fact, how much salt you should have depends on your medical condition, such as blood pressure, edema and 24 h urine output. If you would like an accurate answer, a dietitian can help you or our Online Doctor will be helpful for you.

Any questions, please do feel free to contact us: renal-disease@hotmail.com or leave a message below directly.

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